Lua Color
Convert and manipulate color values.
- Parse a variety of color formats.
- Style Terminal output.
- Methods for common color manipulations.
- Generate color schemes from a base color.
- Supported color formats: rgb, hsv, hsl, hwb, ncol, cmyk
- Includes X11 colors.
Use luarocks install lua-color
or add folder to your project root.
Supports lua >= 5.1.
The documentation is availabale here or from the docs folder.
local Color = require "lua-color" -- Use x11 color names Color.colorNames = require "lua-color.colors.X11" -- Use color names from file local colors = require "lua-color.colors" Color.colorNames = colors.load "my-colors.conf"
Create new color
-- With X11 colors enabled local color = Color "crimson" -- These create (roughly) the same color -- (full list of options in the docs @see Color:set) local color = Color "#41ba69" local color = Color "hsva 140 65% 73% 1" local color = Color "cmyk 65% 0% 44% 27%" local color = Color { r = 0.255, g = 0.729, b = 0.412 } local color = Color { 0.255, 0.729, 0.412 } local color = Color { h = 0.389, s = 0.65, v = 0.73 } local new_color = Color(color)
Retrieve the color
local color = Color "#ff0000" -- Print color print(color) -- prints: #ff0000 -- Print color as hsv local h, s, v = color:hsv() print(h * 360, s * 100, v * 100) -- prints: 0 100 100 print(color:tostring "hsv") -- prints: hsv(0, 100%, 100%) -- Print color as hwb local h, w, b = color:hsv() print(h * 360, w * 100, b * 100) -- prints: 0 0 0 print(color:tostring "hwb") -- prints: hwb(0, 0%, 0%) -- Print color as hsla local h, s, l, a = color:hsla() print(h * 360, s * 100, l * 100, a) -- prints: 0 100 50 1 print(color:tostring "hsla") -- prints: hsla(0, 100%, 50%, 1) -- Print color as rgba local r, g, b, a = color:rgba() print(r * 255, g * 255, b * 255, a) -- prints: 255 0 0 1 print(color:tostring "rgba") -- prints: rgba(255, 0, 0, 1) -- Print color as cmyk print(color:cmyk()) --prints: 0 1 1 0 print(color:tostring "cmyk") -- prints: cmyk(0%, 100%, 100%, 0%) -- Print color as NCol print(color:tostring "ncol") -- prints: R0, 0%, 0%
Manipulate the color
-- Get complementary color color:rotate(0.5) color:rotate {deg = 180} color:rotate {rad = math.pi} -- Get inverse color:invert() local new_color = -color -- to greyscale color:grey() -- to black or white depending on lightness color:blackOrWhite() -- Mix two colors color:mix(other_color, 0.3) -- mix colors with 70:30 ratio local new_color = color + other_color -- mix colors 50:50 and return new local new_color = color - other_color -- complement of + -- Example: #ff0000 + #00ff00 = #808000 (you can use 'color:set {value = 1}' to get #ffff00) -- #ff0000 + #00ff00 = #000080 -- Apply mask local new_color = color & 0xff00ff -- Get color without green component
Generate color scheme
-- Complementary local complementary_color = color:complement() -- Analogous local new_a, orig, new_b = color:analogous() -- Triadic local orig, new_a, new_b = color:triad() -- Tetradic local orig, new_a, new_b, new_c = color:tetrad() -- Compound local new_a, orig, new_b = color:compound() -- Pentadic (and so forth) local cols = color:evenlySpaced(5) -- Combine -- Example: Analogous color scheme around complement local new_a, new_b, new_c = color:complement():analogous()
-- Check if variable is color if Color.isColor(color) then print "It's a color!" end -- Compare lightness of colors if Color "#000000" > Color "#ffffff" then print "Black is lighter than white!" -- Never runs end -- Equate colors assert(color == color:clone())
Terminal colors
local tc = require "lua-color.terminal" -- Print red text io.write(tc.set { color = Color "rgb 255 0 0" }) print("Hello world") io.write(tc.set { color = "default" }) -- Print red text (resets all styles afterward, not just color) print(tc.apply { color = Color "rgb 255 0 0", to = "Hello world" }) -- Make text italic and underlined print(tc.apply { tc.Effect.italic | tc.Effect.underline, to = "Hello world" }) -- Make text italic and underlined print(tc.apply { italic = true, underline = true, to = "Hello world" })